Wesley United Women in Faith

Officers of United Women in Faith

President Cathy Conrad
Vice President Karen Warburton
Secretary Cindy Clemans
Treasurer Carole Chappell
Secretary of Program Resources Cathy Conrad
Nominations Executive Committee
Mission Coordinators:
Spiritual Growth
Karen Warburton
Outreach, Education & Interpretation Bonnie Conroy, Kay Fisher
Funeral Dinner Committee Doris Wood, Gloria Milligan, Cathy Conrad, Karen Warburton, Carole Chappell
Kitchen Committee Cindy Clemans, Sheryl Barbosa, Bonnie Conroy


Rev. Rico Esguerra


General Meetings are held the first Saturday of each month at 2:00 PM in the Welcome Center of the church.  Watch the bulletin and newsletter for meeting programs and occasional changes in the schedule. All women of any age are invited to attend.

Wesley Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the third Wednesday of every month at 9:30am at St. Mark UMC. This group works on knitting and crocheting prayer shawls and baby items for the Interfaith Sewing Group, as well as winter hats & scarves for local children.